Well-Being Workshop for Entrepreneurs & Startups Founders

Some important points to ponder for connecting the dots:

  • Are you aware of your Passion and combining it with your profession?
  • Are you enjoying the core process at workplace (coding, business development, app development or product innovation)?
  • Have you ever been on a beautiful nature walk through a botanical or local garden?
  • Do you enjoy sketching, painting and expressing through any creative techniques? 
  • Do you enjoy Aromatherapy, Art therapy or any form of Alternate therapy for health and happiness?
  • Do you follow Mindfulness Yoga, Meditation and/or Physical Gym schedules?
  • Are you able to openly discuss your mental/emotional needs and try to help overcome loneliness in co-working space / workplace?

The Holistic Well-Being Sessions and Workshops also covers the following task-based activities:

  • There will be guided meditation practices offered each day during Wellness Week at specified Centres / CoEs
  • An in-person members only Community Conversation / Heart-to-Heart dialogue will take place with fellow participants/ local group members.
  • The theme of the Dialogues focuses on holistic approach for mental/emotional wellness, the best practices of social wellness spread across mind, body, and spirit. The Workshop Facilitators and Group Leaders align for selecting the topics and deciding the flow/formation of sub-groups
  • Get ready for a chance and a fun fitness and movement class that’s in-person at your centre.
  • Practice Mindfulness and create Mandala Art at home or office

Don’t you feel It’s your time to shine! Why not Start Now!