Welcome to Your Holistic WellBeing Ecosystem

HW@LW is an
Awesome, Authentic, Amazing
Way of Life

Holistic WellBeing at Life & Work (HW@LW) is a professional network of interconnected elements that nurture and nourishes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing at individual, institutional, organizational and community levels.


We Share & Serve Awesome tips, triggers, techniques and Tools members through Amazing and Authentic Ways to Manage Work-Life Balance and Co-Create Harmony in Life & Work


Our Authentic Experts and Professionals (100xLife & Skill Coaches, Leadership Mentors, Happiness Trainers and Facilitators strengthen the network by expressing their expertise selflessly.


Simply Knowing is not enough. The guided practice of Simple Steps of Holistic Well-Being System, based on AHM Framework ensures Experiential Exponential Excellence in Life/Work

Trusted by 10,000+ Executives, Professionals & Happier People

Holistic WellBeing Ecosystem recognizes that HW@LW is not just the absence of illness, stress or conflicts, but a state of inner joy, infinite abundance and intuitive bliss leading to health, happiness and harmony in life and at workplace.

1,559 Ratings
529 - 5 Star Reviews

Explore the Optimistic Opportunities

Let’s cultivate a balanced and fulfilling life by knowing, learning and applying the simple steps. Take the First Step now to open the 100x Potential Possibilities of life and work.

Simple Solution For You & Your Organization

Join the community of Positive Professionals, build socially connected network, create a Soulful Support System in your family, office, industry, organization and/or local community

Know More

Balance the Essential Elements & Aspects of Work/Life to Achieve Continuous Personal Growth in Life + Sustainable Professional Success at Workplace


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What our members says about the Holistic Lifestyle & Mindset

A holistic lifestyle & Mindset encourages and embracing an integrated positive approach to living and working, where key aspects like physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing are interconnected and interdependent for flourishing health, happiness and harmony in life/work.

It is a long established fact that a employee will be engaged meaningfully if all basic and essential aspects are well managed and taken care by the supportive system.

Anand Mohan

Managing Director

Holistic WellBeing Elements

Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Environmental, Occupational, Financial, Cultural, Digital & Spiritual WellBeing are the Key Pillars for Achieving 100x Excellence in Life and at Workplace. Nurturing & Nourishing their uniform growth while maintaining the synergy is the Master Key for 100x Success